Calla Property MD, Susan Farquhar Was Honored With A Place As One Of The 50 Unsung Business Heroes!

30-09-16 08:40 PM - Comment(s) - By Suze

UHB Entrepreneur Hub aims to share business tips from successful business owners with a collective turnover of $1.6 billion. The Hub contains their stories, what they did to succeed and their tips of what you should do to create success in your business today. A surprising 80% of contributors wanted to give back by providing high level business advice to new entrepreneurs starting business today, by sharing their experiences failing and, of course winning. The book and website were created by Charles Fairlie, Founder of Purpose Publishing to impact Australia’s next generation of SME’s and start-ups. 
Susan Farquhar has been recognised for building her successful property investment company and providing advice and solutions for thousands over the past 25 years. Susan talks here about the deep learning curve of starting her own business; what makes Calla Property so successful in selecting tailored solutions to meet each of her clients financial situation; and the importance of giving back to the community. 

Please visit to see other 49 entrepreneurs making a difference.


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