MORTGAGE - A mortgage is an agreement between you and your lender that gives the lender the right to take your property if you don't repay the money you borrowed plus interest.

QUANTITY SURVEYOR - Quantity surveyors are responsible for managing all aspects of the contractual and financial side of construction projects. They help to ensure that the construction project is completed within its projected budget.
REFINANCE - This involves replacing an existing loan with another loan on different (usually better) terms. An investor may refinance a loan with another bank offering better interest rates, however there may be costs involved in refinancing.
RETIREMENT - Retirement is that time in your life when you finish working and rely on other sources of income and your retirement savings.
SETTLEMENT - Settlement is a legal process that is facilitated by your legal and financial representatives and those of the seller. It's when ownership passes from the seller to you, and you pay the balance of the sale price. The seller sets the settlement date in the contract of sale.

STAMP DUTY - Also known as a stamp tax is a tax a government levies on documents that are required to legally record certain types of transactions.
TAX DEPRECIATION - Tax Depreciation is a report that details the tax deductions you can claim on your investment property. Claiming these tax-deductible expenses involves identifying the value of an investment property.
TENANTS - One that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another.

VARIATION - A variation (sometimes referred to as a variation instruction, variation order or change order), is an alteration to the scope of works, in the form of an addition, substitution, or omission, from the works described in the contract.
WAIVER - A waiver is when a person, government, or organisation agrees to give up a right or says that people do not have to obey a particular rule or law.
WARRANTY - A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.
WITNESS - Someone who is asked to be present at a particular event and sign their name in order to prove that things have been done correctly.
YIELD RATE - Yield is the anticipated return on an investment, expressed as an annual percentage. For example, a 6% yield means that the investment averages 6% return each year.
ZONE - A zone identifies the preferred land use in an area. The zone, and other planning controls, are identified in the planning scheme to guide development and use of land.
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