They Are Calling It “Rentvesting”

16-03-17 09:33 PM - Comment(s) - By Suze

Property prices are growing faster than your wages which means that every month you put money aside for a deposit, the market is moving further out of reach. Millennials from modest families have been brought up with the attitude of keep your head down, work hard, save up and buy your own home first. Unfortunately, in today’s world, where property prices are rapidly growing, that’s no longer an easy option. ‘Rentvesting' is a shift away from the traditional idea of owning your home with the white, picket fence on the quarter acre block. Society is changing, how we live is changing, so it’s not surprising the way we get ahead through property is changing too. 

Rentvesting is the ‘rent whilst you invest’ strategy. You first buy the investment property and rent where you want to live, gaining equity to help buy future properties and eventually your ‘own home’. This strategy allows you to live where you want to by renting while you buy in a location that fits your budget.  The property you buy is then an asset, growing in value and being paid off by a tenant. 

It is possible you live in an area where property affordability isn’t a problem. However, this strategy can be helpful for those who decide to live in expensive cities where the last boom has superseded all others. But this strategy is not just for people looking to find a loophole around property prices and get into the property market. It can also be a way for people to obtain a certain lifestyle. 
-       If you want to travel more 
-       Growing your net cashflow income (instead of relying solely on a base salary) 
-       Want to live in the “upper east side” areas that are out of your buying budget
-       Want the flexibility of renting Delaying the ‘great Australian dream’ and investing first, can help you to secure a wealthy, financially free future. 

But how do you buy the right type of property...?
How exactly does this grow your wealth…? 
For these answers, you need to speak to the right people that will help you get started and help you build your property portfolio. Who can help? 

Calla Property, the property investment specialists. It is the research that sets us apart. We research property markets around Australia to identify the cities or regions that are set for capital growth. We believe that property investment is a great way to reach your investment goal. We find the properties that are most likely to outperform the market. Call us and make an appointment with one of our property specialists who can show you how to get started 0482 080 189.


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