Sydney Property Market

Blog tagged as Sydney Property Market

How The Federal Budget Will Impact Investors
In past years, the Federal Budget’s focus has been on improving housing affordability but 2018 saw the biggest drop in house prices since 2015, it appears the government have slowed down their pursuit. The recently released budget has little to no impact on investors, a welcome change after last yea...
31-07-18 08:42 PM - Comment(s)
They Are Calling It “Rentvesting”
Property prices are growing faster than your wages which means that every month you put money aside for a deposit, the market is moving further out of reach. Millennials from modest families have been brought up with the attitude of keep your head down, work hard, save up and buy your own home first...
16-03-17 09:33 PM - Comment(s)
Why Invest? Why Property?

Did you know? 70% of Australian retirees rely on Government subsidies or are living below the poverty line. I know I do not want to be part of this statistic, living on less than $300 per week (the Australian Aged Pension per couple). So… what is the solution?


03-02-16 10:49 PM - Comment(s)
Sydney Market Cools - But We Already Knew That
There were reports last night that the Sydney property market is starting to slow down as we finish another weekend that resulted in lower clearance rates with the average of around 70% instead of 80%. There were also reports from auctioneers and real estate professionals that bidders seemed less bu...
31-08-15 09:56 PM - Comment(s)
What Is A Housing Bubble And How Does It Affect Your Ability To Invest Wisely?
A housing bubble is a period of rapid growth in property prices, followed by a drop in prices back to the original point. For example if the market started at $300 000 and inflated rapidly and unexpectedly to $600 000, then fell over time to the $300 000 mark or below, this cycle could be termed a ‘...
20-07-15 11:26 PM - Comment(s)