Should I still invest in property when interest rates are going up? How high is too high before I consider selling my property? Is it possible to achieve cashflow positive properties when interest rates are higher? These are some of the questions that property investors are asking right now. So, wha...
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Blog categorized as Investment Advice
Property investment is big business in Australia. It accounts for 60% of the banking system's assets, and over half of Australians’ wealth is held in residential concerns. That works out as $6.6 trillion over 9.6 million homes, or a respectable three times the total value of superannuation fund...
03-10-18 08:26 PM - Comment(s)
Australia’s retirement system is known to be among the best in the world. With the government’s age pension and mandatory “Superannuation Guarantee” programs from employers, it has far exceeded other industrial nations like the United States when it comes to high individual savings rate.
However, Au...
26-02-16 11:00 PM - Comment(s)
The path to investment property ownership can be long & daunting. Find out the crucial aspects of property investment and how we at Calla Property can help you negotiate those aspects in a hassle free way.
Know the market, research historical prices and understand growth rates. ...
10-04-15 03:58 PM - Comment(s)