Blog tagged as Mortgage Loan

What You Need To Know About Mortgage Loans In Australia

What You Need To Know About Mortgage Loans In Australia

By Suze

Given that the average home loan in Australia is $570,249, it's unsurprising that most people need a home loan to finance their property purchases. As such, securing the right property financing arrangement is critical to a successful investment. To help you out, we break down exactly what...
19-12-18 02:00 AM - Comment(s)
The New Era Of Interest-Only Loans

The New Era Of Interest-Only Loans

By Suze

Interest-only loans are where you merely pay back the interest of a loan to the lender. So if you borrowed $500,000 and made repayments for five years, your balance would still be $500,000. They are designed predominantly for investors for cash flow and tax deductibility purposes. In March 201...
10-10-18 09:19 PM - Comment(s)