Calla Property Updates

The Power Of Investment – Something To Consider…

The Power Of Investment – Something To Consider…

By Suze

If you are new to the property investment space, no doubt you will have many questions you’d like answered! Questions like ‘How much should I invest?’, and ‘Where should I invest?’ are just a couple of the most pressing queries. Consider this; 

A $400,000 property would be worth: - $863,570...
06-09-17 04:29 AM - Comment(s)
Should Laws Change To Protect Tenants?

Should Laws Change To Protect Tenants?

By Suze

The latest Census figures show that more and more Australians are renting with the tenant population now at 30.9%. The median household rent has increased from $285 - $335 per week since the last Census. As such, our laws should change too, reflecting current trends and ensuring that tenants feel th...

29-08-17 06:23 PM - Comment(s)
How Much Is It Costing You To Do Your Own Research?

How Much Is It Costing You To Do Your Own Research?

By Suze

Australia, it’s time to question your sources. We live in an age where media outlets face shrinking budgets and are forced to rely on their sources for facts and opinion to provide content. The problem is that fact and opinion are often hard to distinguish and facts aren’t always checked. Calla...
01-08-17 11:20 PM - Comment(s)
Missed Opportunity?

Missed Opportunity?

By Suze

So another financial year has come and gone. Was 2016 the year that you were going to invest in property and ensure that you were on your way to being set up in retirement and pay less tax? Have you been saving for a deposit and instead of putting it into property, you’ve just paid a stack of bank f...
24-07-17 11:52 PM - Comment(s)
Old Vs New: Which Is A Better Buy?

Old Vs New: Which Is A Better Buy?

By Suze

What are the pros and cons of buying new property over established? We are often asked this question and everyone will have their opinion on it. Should you invest in an established property that you can add value to or a new property that will give you immediate tax benefits? There is no ‘right...

03-07-17 11:54 PM - Comment(s)