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What Property Strategy Is Increasing In Popularity?

What Property Strategy Is Increasing In Popularity?

By Suze

It’s not surprising that many Sydney based, busy, professional clients are looking at different kinds of strategies to get into the property market.  

In Sydney, the average house price is $920,000 and the average unit price is $690,000. This makes it second only to Hong Kong, as the m...
10-02-17 11:29 AM - Comment(s)
Why Hobart Is A Terrible Place To Invest

Why Hobart Is A Terrible Place To Invest

By Suze

Recent reports show that Hobart has had the highest price growth of any capital city in Australia. Sounds like a good investment location right? 

Wrong! The drivers behind this growth are affordability and migration, demonstrating that the price growth is being driven by mainlanders who are look...
10-02-17 11:07 AM - Comment(s)
QLD Economy Upturn In Growth - Great News For Investors

QLD Economy Upturn In Growth - Great News For Investors

By Suze

It’s good news for Queensland – growth prospects are more secure and this has been recognised by Moody’s and S&P’s recently reaffirmed credit ratings for the state and now Deloitte Access Economics latest report shows the outlook is that Queensland will be setting the pace for the rest of the na...
15-12-16 12:35 PM - Comment(s)
Future Residential Developments To Look To New District Plans For Targets

Future Residential Developments To Look To New District Plans For Targets

By Suze

    • 5-10% affordable housing provisions for new developments
    • 725,000 new houses in Sydney in 20 years
    • 6 new districts separated into 3 cities modelled off the UK structure
    “For the first time we have a long-term vision; not having just a short-term view, but a long-term goal ” — Sarah Hill - CEO of t...
23-11-16 09:59 AM - Comment(s)
The Biggest Mistake Investors Make When Looking For Property

The Biggest Mistake Investors Make When Looking For Property

By Suze

When property investors are looking for their next property they often get caught up in ‘the next best hotspot’ or ‘5 best locations for growth’. The problem with this kind of information is the focus is only on growth. This is an important factor but it’s not the only one.

Most investors are sa...
11-10-16 12:19 AM - Comment(s)