Calla Property Updates

RBA Interest Rates - CUT!!

RBA Interest Rates - CUT!!

By Suze

The Reserve Bank of Australia has announced that it will cut interest rates.  This sets a new record low rate of 1.75% - the first change since May last year. The Bank is hoping to stimulate an under-performing local economy. Low interest rates continue to support housing market activity.  ...
03-05-16 10:34 PM - Comment(s)
How Calla Property Specialists Help Clients Plan Well For Retirement

How Calla Property Specialists Help Clients Plan Well For Retirement

By Suze

Different people will have different needs depending on the lifestyle they expect in retirement, however, figures released by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) can help you to plan. The latest figures indicate that couples need just unde...
29-04-16 11:03 PM - Comment(s)
Common Investment Mistakes That Most People Are Making

Common Investment Mistakes That Most People Are Making

By Suze

Many Australians are caught in an old paradigm, their parents’ and grandparents’ idea that if they just work hard enough, they’ll earn enough and save enough to retire on. To do this, you would need to save about $20,000 per year. Th...
29-04-16 10:51 PM - Comment(s)
Should I Invest In A House Or A Unit?

Should I Invest In A House Or A Unit?

By Suze

This is a question that comes up from time to time and the better question is, what property investment is going to give me the better return in the long run and have the lowest holding costs?  This is the better question to ask, regardless of the kind of property you’re looking to invest in....
23-03-16 12:24 AM - Comment(s)
How Scary Is Australian Retirement? How Much Money Do We Really Need To Retire Comfortably?

How Scary Is Australian Retirement? How Much Money Do We Really Need To Retire Comfortably?

By Suze

Australia’s retirement system is known to be among the best in the world. With the government’s age pension and mandatory “Superannuation Guarantee” programs from employers, it has far exceeded other industrial nations like the United States when it comes to high individual savings rate.

However, Au...

26-02-16 11:00 PM - Comment(s)